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Immunogenetics & Transplantation Lab »  Test Information

Test Information

Test Requisition

HLA Typing - High Resolution

  • HLA comprehensive high resolution typing
  • HLA-A high resolution
  • HLA-B high resolution
  • HLA-C high resolution
  • HLA-DRB1 high resolution
  • HLA-DRB3/4/5 high resolution
  • HLA-DQA1 high resolution
  • HLA-DQB1 high resolution
  • HLA-DPA1 high resolution
  • HLA-DPB1 high resolution 

HLA Typing - Intermediate Resolution

  • HLA Class I typing - intermediate resolution
  • HLA Class II typing - intermediate resolution
  • HLA-A intermediate resolution
  • HLA-B intermediate resolution
  • HLA-C intermediate resolution 

HLA Antibody Testing

  • Class I PRA
  • Class II PRA
  • Class I single antigen
  • Class II single antigen
  • Class I single antigen - dilution
  • Class II single antigen - dilution 


  • T & B cell XM by flow cytometry
  • T & B cell XM - Pronase treatment
  • Endothelial cell crossmatch
  • Virtual crossmatch 

Chimerism Testing/STR

  • Informatives (recipient & donor)
  • Whole blood / bone marrow
  • CD3 cell subset
  • CD14/15 cell subset
  • CD19 cell subset
  • CD33 cell subset 
  • CD34 cell subset
  • CD56 cell subset 
  • CD71 cell subset
  • Granulocyte cell subset

KIR Genotyping

  • KIR genotyping 

Disease Association and Others

  • HLA-A2 typing
  • HLA-A68 typing
  • HLA-B27 typing
  • HLA-B51 typing
  • HLA-B*15:02 typing
  • HLA-B*57:01 typing
  • HLA-B*58:01 typing
  • HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 typing (Celiac)

Test Requistion Instructions

  1. Click the button below to open the form in your browser
  2. Save the form to your desktop and print it
  3. Mail it to us with your specimens

Interactive PDF Test Requisition

Sample Requirements

Please use the following guide when collecting sample for ITL: 

Test Category

Max. Number of Tubes for Patients >12 kg

Sample Volume for Patients <12 kg


2 Red Top*

3 mL in Red Top

HLA Typing

2 ACD*

6 mL in small ACD 


2 ACD*

6 mL in small ACD 

Crossmatch Donor

6 ACD*

Please contact ITL

Crossmatch Recipient

1 Red Top*

Please contact ITL

Auto Crossmatch 

6 ACD* & 1 Red Top*

Please contact ITL

* Completely full 8.5 mL tubes 

  • If more than one test is ordered in the same category, collect no more than the maximum tube or sample volume indicated above. 
  • If two or more test categories are ordered, add the number of tubes together.


Because of limited stability, samples should be collected Monday through Thursday avoiding holidays. Samples collected on a Friday, must be delivered to one of the three drop off locations (UCSF Clinical Lab, UCSF ACC Draw, and Mission Bay M2339) by 12:00 noon.  

Fee Schedule 

The ITL is approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a Free-standing Histocompatibility Laboratory (FSHL). This approval allows the ITL to perform testing for any transplant program in the United States, with uniform test charges for UCSF and non-UCSF clients. In addition, CMS determines the reimbursement rate for ITL tests and services based on its annual cost report and must charge institutions rather than individuals. The ITL testing fees are available to the public at the CMS website.

UCSF Immunogenetics & Transplantation Laboratory 2018 
CMS #: 05-HL06

Download Fee Schedule (PDF)

Test DescriptionPriceCPT
HLA Class I (A,B,C) Typing (Intermediate Resolution) 350 81372
HLA Class II (DR, DQ, DP) Typing (Intermediate Resolution) 300 81375
HLA - A2 Typing 165 81374
HLA - A68 Typing 165 81374
HLA - B51 Typing 175 81374
HLA - B27 Typing 125 81374
HLA - A Typing (Intermediate Resolution) 165 81373
HLA - B Typing (Intermediate Resolution) 175 81373
HLA - C Typing (Intermediate Resolution) 165 81373
HLA - A Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81380
HLA - B Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81380
HLA - C Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81380
HLA - DRB1 Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81382
HLA - DRB3/4/5 Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81382
HLA - DPB1 Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81382
HLA - DPA1 Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81382
HLA - DQB1 Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81382
HLA - DQA1 Typing (NGS - High Resolution) 375 81382
HLA-A,B,C,DRB1,DRB3/4/5,DQA1,DQB1,DPA1,DPB1 Comprehensive
Typing (NGS - High Resolution)
1950 81378
HLA-B*5701 Typing 375 81381
HLA-B*5801 Typing 375 81381
HLA-B*1502 Typing 375 81381
HLA Typing - Celiac 300 81377
HLA Typing STAT Fee (Per Requisition Form) 150  
KIR Genotype 200 81403
KIR Genotyping STAT Fee (Per Requisition Form) 150  
HLA Antibody PRA Class I 200 86830
HLA Antibody PRA Class II 200 86831
HLA Antibody ID - Single Antigen Class I 350 86832
HLA Antibody ID - Single Antigen Class II 350 86833
HLA Antibody ID - Single Antigen Class I (Dilution) 350 86832
HLA Antibody ID - Single Antigen Class II (Dilution) 350 86833
HLA Antibody Analysis with Single Antigen Titer, Class I 900 86834
HLA Antibody Analysis with Single Antigen Titer, Class II 900 86835
Antibody Testing STAT Fee (Per Set-up) 400  
B-Cell & T-Cell Crossmatch by Flow Cytometry 400 86825, 86826
B-Cell & T-Cell Flow Crossmatch With Pronase 450 86825, 86826
Endothelial Cell Crossmatch 250 86825, 86826
Crossmatch STAT Fee (Per Set-up) 400  
Engraftment (Chimerism) Testing - Informative Loci 250 81265
Engraftment (Chimerism) Testing by STR - Whole Blood/Bone Marrow 375 81267
Engraftment (Chimerism) Testing by STR -(Cell Subsets) 280 81268
Engraftment (Chimerism) Testing STAT Fee (Per Set-Up) 150  
Deceased Donor Testing - Local 2,100 86849
Deceased Donor Cell Preparation & Storage 275 86849
Serum Management (Includes Kits, Postage, Processing & Storage) 65 86849
Serum Storage 25 86849
DNA Preparation & Storage 25 86849

Turn-Around Time (TAT)

Turn-Around Time (TAT)Expected (Day)Current Median (Day)
HLA Antibody - PRA <5 2
HLA Antibody - Single Antigen <5 2
Crossmatch by Flow Cytometer  <3 1
HLA Typing - Intermediate Resolution <5 3
HLA Typing - High Resolution (NGS) <7 5
Chimerism Testing (STR) <7 6
STAT Antibody Testing <3 1
STAT Other Testing (e.g., chimerism) <3 2
KIR Genotyping <5 1
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